
Monday 22 April 2013

Revision Pathology. 22 April 2013 (First year)


" Revision for pathology"

Ok.. we have some Q & A in class today :)
its about 'molecular basic of cancer'

Some question had been asekd to us :

1. What is genetic information?

Answer:I conclude the answer like this;
* Letter : nucleotides
*sentence : genes
*paragraph: chromosome
*book : genome

2. Where is located the information for Gene?

Answer: In nucleus.
information stored in DNA in the form of sequence of nucleotides

3. How many nucleotides in human genome?

Answer: 3 billion nucleotides approximately

4. State the properties of 'cancer cell'.

Answer : 
* Loss of contact inhibition
*Loss of adhesion/cohesion
*Loss of anchorage dependence
*Express cell surface proteases (facilitate invasion)
*Increase expression of laminin receptors for anchorage

5. List the hormone dependent tumor.

It divided into two; benign and malignant.

benign: leiomyoma uterus & fibroadenoma breast
malignant: Carcinoma; breast, endometrium, prostate

6. Mention step involve in carcinogenesis.

* At the molecular level, carcinogen affect:
1. growth promoting, proto-oncogen
2. cancer suppressor gene
3. Genes that suppress apoptosis

7. Describe about multistep process in cancer.

Basically, two improtant step must be remember. 

1. Initiation step (Initiator; permanent, irreversible DNA damage)

In initiator, they are 2 ways:
*Direct acting : no change in chemical composition
*Indirect acting : metabolic conversion is required
#but initiation itself is not sufficient for  carcinogenesis, it needs promotion step# 

2.Promotion step ( proliferation, altered differentiation & clonal expansion of initiated cell)

*DNA not directly damage
*Not carcinogenic  by themselve
*Can induce 'only in initiated cell'

*prime target is DNA*

Ok =) from the basic, we can understand, that in order to form cancer, 'thing' that must be mutate first is DNA itself. Some destruction in nucleotide sequence may influence growth of some cell in certain region in our body.

I've heard before, that you can actually cure those cancer by performing 'tahajud malam' regularly. Keep holding on to Him. The Creator; Allah.. =)

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