
Sunday 21 April 2013

Histology (Lymphoid Tissue)

SubhanAllah..Badan kita ada 'Lymphoid tissue'..


Some share with all of you regards 
Histological view
"Lymphoid tissue" =)
Allah create us with specific design in our body that function to:
1. Drain interstitial fluid in the form of lymph into our blood circulation.
2. Filter dust from the lungs and antigen in the blood
3.To produce lymphocyte that fight against infection
4. Absorb and transport of fat from intestine.

And that specific design called 'lymphatic system' ;)

Let me introduce all of you to our own body mechanism, that actually some of us  not even realized their present :P


Lymphoid tissue can be found in :
1. Lymphoid organ:
-lymph nodes

2.Non-lymphoid organ:
-Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT)
-Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT)
How to detect them histologically?

1.In Spleen.. we can see those things in order to know is it spleen or not:
-white pulp; have central artery, have splenic nodule that contain B and T lymphocyte, macrophages and plasma cells. It will look like purplish that accumulate at onee place.
-Red pulp; contain splenic sinsoids. It is a blood filter, damage red blood cell with be filter here. 
-No afferent lymphatic vessel
-Have capsule

2.In Thymus.. its different, we can see..
-Medulla; light staining
-cortex;dark staining
-and the most important detection is 'thymic corpuscle' or 'Hassal's corpuscle'

3. Lymph nodes
Capsule (outside)
-Medulla; (near to hilum-where efferent vessel,artery,veins out)
-Cortex; near capsule. More outside. We can see lymphoid nodule and germinal center there. Lymphoid nodule got two types : primary and secondary;primary got abundant of B lymphocytes and secondary consist of large lympocyte,macrophages, small lymphocyte surrounding germinal centre.
(*T-lymphocte abundant in diffuse tissue*)

4. Tonsil
Ok.. in tonsil, it is quite different from the other, because.. our body got three different types of tonsils..

1- Palatine tonsil
We can detect it by present of stratified squamous epithelium,crypt and lymphoid nodule

2-Pharyngeal tonsil
We can detect it when we see pseudostratified columnar epithelium. (Pseudostratified means; it looks like columnar,but actually,it does not.. the cell 'tindih-menindih' then look like columnar when actually it is not)

3.Lingual tonsil
Same like palatine tonsil, we can see stratified squamous epithelium

So.. basically.. for tonsil.. we can detect 'stratified squamous epithelium' and 'crypt'

#In Non-lymphoid organ, what can we detect is Peyer's pathches#
E.g. in Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue
(Peyer's patches is aggregation of lymphoid nodule in the ileum)-look like 'jejari-jejari' la.. :) hihihi

Haha :D actually, this is the way I can 'share' and 'boost up' my memory. huhu.Don't blank2 ar.. If u can't understand it, just skip meh..

But actually it is good to know about your own body right.. ;) selama ni, kita xsedar pun bahawa badan kita ni ada benda specific cenggini. Yang fungsi dia sa...ngat! besar. Tanpa lymphoid tissue, xda lymphoid organ, tanpa lymphoid organ, xda lymphatic system ;) cuma yang ni, dia zzzOOOmMMM innnNN sket guna microscope, tu yang jumpa mcam2 nama tuh o_O haha :D I hope all of u can enjoy this share about 'lymphoid tissue' ;)

Luv u all :D

Jangan lupa puji Allah untuk ciptaanNya ni.. Allah is the BEST Creator ever ;)

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